Discord Wars ⚔️

"Discord Wars" is a weekly competition centered around our community's engagement with the current narratives we are addressing.
Specific Discord threads will be associated with a particular role. Tasks on both EE Zealy and Galxe will be set up, and they will only be accessible to individuals with the designated role.
There will also be additional Zealy tasks related to the narratives.
Every week, we will introduce a narrative-focused content piece, which will serve as the topic that all participants are required to write about.
Our objective is to intensify the existing narratives, ensuring that our community fully grasps our product and vision.
This initiative will be paired with a weekly community AMA to vocally discuss these topics and articulate why they present bullish prospects for Entangle.
- There will be an announcement with the weekly narratives we want to focus on
- Everyone will need to also write a twitter thread (or any form of content that we decide is best suited for the narrative that week) with the same content in their discord thread and post it at the bottom of their discord thread
- Submission deadlines will be Friday 23:59 UTC
- To prevent sybils we’ll review the content on saturday and make sure there are no bad actors
- Whoever has the most reactions for their discord thread will win the prizes
- Voting will be limited to role holders above level 10 i.e. Photon.
1st: $100 USDT
2nd: $50 USDT
3rd: $25 USDT