Entangling Gamefi

Entangling Gamefi

Entangle is a customisable interoperable data infrastructure for Web3 and Institutions designed to address the complex challenges of interoperability and data communication. One of the key sectors that will benefit from Entangle’s solutions is a rapidly growing GameFi. 

Rapid Growth

  • The GameFi market is expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 27.13% from 2021 to 2031, suggesting a significant expansion and adoption in the coming years​​.[1]
  • GameFi combines gaming with finance (Game + Fi), offering players various ways to earn through Play-to-Earn, Click-to-Earn, and Move-to-Play models, a diversification beyond traditional Pay-to-Play and Free-to-Play models​​.[2]
  • The innovative structure of GameFi, which often involves earning real-world value through gaming activities, is not bound to a specific platform or technology, making it a versatile and inclusive market for a broad range of games, rules, and structures​​.[3]

In the past ten years, the gaming industry has experienced remarkable growth, surpassing sectors like books, films, and music in terms of revenue and popularity. This expansion is evident not only in financial terms but also in the increasing number of gamers worldwide. The rise in player engagement and revenue is consistent across various regions. However, a significant challenge persists, particularly concerning in-game purchases.

Currently, players are unable to resell their in-game items on third-party platforms in most games. This limitation poses a problem for users who invest in digital assets but cannot monetize them outside the game's ecosystem. The integration of Web3 technology in gaming could potentially address these issues. By leveraging Web3, the gaming industry can empower players, ensuring more equitable economic interactions and giving gamers more control over their digital assets.

How Entangle contributes to GameFi?

GameFi suffers from the complexity of infrastructure, leading to complicated and close-to-impossible integrations of Web3 games. That, in turn, causes developers more friction in terms of costs and time resources. By offering key tools like cross-chain interactions and automated game mechanics, Entangle cuts development costs and expedites game creation, setting the stage for broader games adoption. By bringing off-chain data on-chain through Web2 Connectivity, Entangle ensures games can handle the multitude of transactions and updates seamlessly. 

This dual focus on developer ease and player satisfaction is what positions Entangle as a missing piece of GameFi’s mass adoption. Let’s explore how exactly Entangle will change the GameFi sector in the nearest future.

Cross-Chain Swaps and Deposits

The GameFi sector often grapples with isolated blockchain ecosystems, leading to fragmented user experiences and liquidity issues. Players face hurdles in moving assets across games, which limits their gaming experience to one blockchain.

With Entangle integration, players are about to swap and deposit assets across different blockchain networks seamlessly. This functionality breaks down the barriers between games on separate chains, enabling a fluid transfer of value.

Cross-chain swaps and deposits eradicate the liquidity and interoperability constraints, eliminate dependency on 3rd party services and bridges, paving the way for a unified GameFi economy. It enriches the user experience by offering more flexibility and freedom in asset management across different games and blockchains.

Use cases: 

— Asset Portability Across Games

Problems without Entangle: 

  • Complicated or Inaccessible Value Transfers Between Ecosystems: Gamers face hurdles in moving their in-game assets and currencies between different gaming platforms due to the lack of a unified protocol, which often forces them to resort to high-fee third-party services or to endure a complex and technical transfer process.
  • Siloed Economies: Each game forms its own closed economy, where assets, whether fungible or non-fungible, cannot be utilized outside their native platform, leading to underutilization of the assets’ potential value and a fragmented market.
  • Disjointed Gaming Experience: The inability to transfer assets across games interrupts the flow of gameplay and prevents a cohesive gaming narrative, as players are unable to leverage their achievements and rewards in one game environment when moving to another.

Outcomes with Entangle: 

  • Seamless Experience: The integration of asset portability creates a frictionless environment where gamers can easily move and use their digital assets across different games, resulting in an intuitive and hassle-free user experience.
  • Expanded Gaming Possibilities: Gamers can explore a wider array of games without losing the value of their acquired assets, encouraging them to try new platforms and experiences without starting from scratch.
  • No Platform Restrictions: By breaking down the barriers between different gaming ecosystems, assets become more versatile and valuable, allowing gamers to freely choose where and how to play without being bound to a single platform.
  • Enhanced Users’ Engagement: The ability to carry over in-game assets to other games increases players' investment in the gaming journey, keeping them engaged with a sense of continuous progression and rewards that are recognized across multiple games.
  • Economic Growth of Gaming Ecosystems: Cross-game asset portability can lead to increased transactions within each gaming platform and across the industry, stimulating economic activity and potentially increasing the user base for all games involved.

— Universal Wallet Top-Ups

Problems without Entangle:

  • Complex Management: Players must navigate through various wallet systems and currency types to make purchases, which can be daunting and deter engagement.
  • High Entry Barrier: The technical challenges of managing multiple gaming currencies can discourage new and casual players from participating.

Benefits with Entangle:

  • Simplified Accessibility: Universal wallet system created with Entangle infrastructure consolidates management into one user-friendly interface, lowering the technical threshold for entry.
  • Enhanced Transactions and Retention: The convenience of a single wallet system promotes more frequent in-game purchases and encourages players to stay engaged with the game.

— Cross-Chain Auction Houses

Problems without Entangle:

  • Incompatible Marketplaces: The lack of interoperability between blockchains confines asset trading to siloed markets, limiting players' options and asset liquidity.
  • Underutilized Asset Potential: The inability to trade across chains stifles the true economic potential and discoverability of digital assets.

Outcomes with Entangle:

  • Unified Marketplace: Entangle connects disparate blockchain ecosystems, creating a comprehensive marketplace where all players can trade assets freely.
  • Market-Driven Asset Valuation: A broader marketplace allows for natural price discovery, potentially increasing the value of digital assets.
  • Active Trading Community: The facilitation of cross-chain trades nurtures a more vibrant and engaged community of traders and collectors.

Automated Start and Stop In-App Activities

Currently, GameFi faces challenges in dynamically managing in-game events, which often require manual initiation and oversight. This limitation can lead to delayed starts, human error, and missed opportunities for player engagement.

Entangle enables smart contract automation for developers to streamline the operation of in-app activities, such as tournaments, which are triggered based on predefined conditions. This could include player achievements, time-based events, or the start of a global event.

Automating event management enhances the responsiveness of games to player actions and global schedules, increasing engagement and providing a dynamic gaming environment that responds in real-time to its community.

Use cases:

— Dynamic Event Triggering

Problems without Entangle:

  • Delay in Event Setup: Manual coordination of events is slow and can miss optimal timing, reducing the impact on the community.
  • Limited Engagement: Inflexible event timing can fail to capture peak player activity, leading to less participation.

Outcomes with Entangle:

  • Event Timeliness: Entangle enables the synchronization of events with real-time player milestones, enhancing relevance and participation.
  • Reactive Gaming Environment: The dynamic triggering of events creates an engaging atmosphere that responds to player actions, keeping the community active and involved.

— Seasonal Challenges Activation

Problems without Entangle:

  • Resource-Intensive Management: Manual oversight of seasonal content is laborious and susceptible to mistakes, potentially disrupting the gaming experience.
  • Risk of Human Error: Setting up content based on dates without automation can lead to inconsistencies and player disappointment.

Outcomes with Entangle:

  • Efficient Content Rollout: With Entangle, game developers can schedule and deploy seasonal challenges smoothly, matching the gaming content with real-world seasons.
  • Player-Centric Experience: Automated updates ensure that the game evolves with player expectations, maintaining engagement throughout seasonal cycles.

— Auto-Scaling Challenges

Problems without Entangle:

  • One-Size-Fits-All Gameplay: Without the ability to auto-scale, games may not offer the right level of difficulty for all players, affecting enjoyment and longevity.
  • Manual Difficulty Adjustment: Continually adjusting game difficulty for a diverse audience is impractical and often results in a compromised experience.

Outcomes with Entangle:

  • Customized Player Challenges: Entangle's auto-scaling ensures that every player faces appropriate levels of difficulty, enhancing personal satisfaction.
  • Sustained Player Interest: By adapting to the players' skill levels, games maintain a challenging yet accessible experience, fostering greater player retention.

Automated Distribution of Rewards

The manual distribution of rewards can be slow and prone to errors, potentially leading to player dissatisfaction and a sense of unfairness if rewards are not delivered promptly or correctly.

Entangle facilitates the automated distribution of in-game rewards and incentives, such as skill points or items, triggered by specific player achievements or milestones within the game.

With automation, players receive immediate gratification for their achievements, which enhances satisfaction and fosters a fair and transparent reward system. This immediacy will significantly boost player retention and game popularity.

Use cases:

— Real-Time Achievement Rewards

Problems without Entangle:

  • Delayed Rewards: When players have to wait for their achievements to be recognized, the excitement wanes, and the reward feels less satisfying.
  • Reduced Sense of Achievement: A delay in receiving rewards can detract from the feeling of immediate success, potentially affecting player motivation.

Outcomes with Entangle:

  • Immediate Reward Fulfillment: Entangle facilitates the distribution of rewards as soon as an achievement is unlocked, magnifying the excitement and fulfillment for players.
  • Enhanced Player Satisfaction: The instant confirmation of success boosts morale and can lead to longer play sessions and deeper game involvement.

— Loyalty Programs

Problems without Entangle:

  • Complex Program Management: Traditional systems make it cumbersome to track and reward player loyalty, often resulting in generic rewards that lack a personal touch.
  • Lack of Personalization: Without tailored rewards, loyalty programs may fail to resonate with players, leading to a missed opportunity for deeper engagement.

Outcomes with Entangle:

  • Streamlined Loyalty Incentives: Entangle's automation allows for the easy setup and maintenance of loyalty programs, reducing overhead for developers.
  • Personalized Player Rewards: By automating rewards based on individual player behavior, Entangle creates a more personalized gaming experience, which can enhance player retention and increase in-game purchases.

— Community Event Payouts

Problems without Entangle:

  • Slow Reward Distribution: Delays in distributing rewards after community events can lead to frustration and diminish the sense of community achievement.
  • Player Dissatisfaction: Inefficiency in reward allocation can erode trust in the game's reward system and its developers, potentially harming the game's reputation.

Outcomes with Entangle:

  • Prompt Reward Allocation: Entangle's efficient distribution mechanism ensures that players receive their due rewards promptly after an event, maintaining high levels of satisfaction.
  • Strengthened Community Trust: Timely and equitable reward distribution helps build a strong sense of trust and fairness within the game community, encouraging continued participation and fostering a positive game culture.

Cross-Chain NFT Interoperability

The lack of interoperability for NFTs and other in-game assets across different blockchains has been a significant bottleneck, limiting the potential for asset utility and value appreciation outside the native gaming ecosystem.

Entangle enables instant transfer of in-game NFTs and other digital assets across various blockchains, allowing for greater fluidity in the ownership and management of these assets.

This interoperability allows for an expansive marketplace where assets can be traded and utilized across multiple gaming platforms, increasing the value and utility of each in-game item and encouraging a more robust GameFi economy.

Use Cases:

— Multi-Game Characters and Assets

Problems without Entangle:

  • Limited Asset Utility: Exclusive confinement of digital assets like NFTs to one game environment restricts their broader use, diminishing the returns on player investment.
  • Investment Value Constraints: When a player's assets are locked within one game, their long-term value and appeal are capped, potentially affecting resale value and player loyalty.

Outcomes with Entangle:

  • Enhanced Asset Portability: Entangle enables the use of NFTs across multiple gaming platforms, increasing their functionality and engagement potential.
  • Increased Asset Value: The cross-game use of digital assets can lead to greater demand and higher valuation, benefiting the player's overall investment.

— Cross-Game Economies

Problems without Entangle:

  • Isolated Economic Systems: The inability to transfer or use assets across games stifles their economic potential and limits player trading opportunities.
  • Asset Appreciation Limitations: Assets that cannot be traded or used outside their originating game have limited growth potential, affecting player investment strategies.

Outcomes with Entangle:

  • Unified Economic Platforms: Entangle allows for the creation of a unified economy where assets can circulate freely between games, increasing their liquidity and market activity.
  • Investment Growth: The integration of assets into a broader economy enhances their potential for appreciation, yielding greater returns for players.

— Shared Universe Storytelling

Problems without Entangle:

  • Narrative Limitations: The inability to carry over story elements between games can lead to a disjointed narrative experience and unrealized creative potential.
  • Constrained Game Design: Developers may find their storytelling capabilities limited when game narratives cannot extend beyond the singular environment of a game.

Outcomes with Entangle:

  • Expansive Narrative Opportunities: With Entangle, developers can craft stories that span across multiple games, creating a more immersive and continuous player experience.
  • Deeper Engagement: A shared universe enhances player investment in the game world, as actions in one game can have meaningful repercussions in another, fostering a more captivating gaming experience.

Dynamic NFTs (dNFTs)

Traditional NFTs are static, meaning once they are minted, their properties do not change, which can limit engagement and the ability to reflect ongoing achievements or status within a game.

Dynamic NFTs involve the real-time updating of NFT metadata to reflect changes triggered by in-game activities or real-world events. This could mean altering the appearance, attributes, or even the ownership of an NFT as certain conditions are met within the game or in response to off-chain occurrences.

By making NFTs dynamic, Entangle enables a living and evolving representation of a player’s progress or an asset's history. This not only enhances the value and appeal of the NFTs but also deepens user engagement by providing a tangible and up-to-date reflection of their gaming journey or real-world events.

Use cases:

— Evolving In-Game Avatars

Problems without Entangle:

  • Static Representation: Players’ in-game representations remain unchanged, failing to mirror their achievements and growth within the game.
  • Reduced Immersion: The lack of dynamic avatars can make the gaming experience feel static and less engaging.

Outcomes with Entangle:

  • Visual Progression: Avatars dynamically evolve, creating a visual representation of the player’s journey and achievements.
  • Enhanced Engagement: As avatars change and grow, players experience a more immersive and rewarding game environment.

— Real-World Event Collectibles

Problems without Entangle:

  • Static Memorabilia: Collectibles remain unchanged even as the real-world events they represent continue to develop.
  • Lost Relevance: NFTs that do not update become quickly outdated, losing their connection to the ongoing narrative.

Outcomes with Entangle:

  • Dynamic History: Collectibles update with real-world events, maintaining relevance and historical significance.
  • Increased Collectible Appeal: As NFTs reflect ongoing narratives, their appeal and market value increase.

— Adaptive In-Game Assets

Problems without Entangle:

  • Unresponsive Assets: In-game assets remain static, not reflecting the gameplay achievements or the evolving status of the player.
  • Limited Player Rewards: The inability to showcase achievements through in-game assets lessens the sense of reward and accomplishment.

Outcomes with Entangle:

  • Responsive Asset Evolution: In-game assets such as cars and property update in real-time, reflecting gameplay achievements.
  • Rewarding Gameplay: The evolution of assets as rewards for in-game achievements enhances player satisfaction and incentivizes continued play.

Verifiable Random Function (VRF)

Without a VRF, randomness in games can be predictable or manipulable, leading to potential exploits or a lack of trust in the game's fairness.

VRF within Entangle is used to provide a decentralized source of randomness for in-app events. This can be critical for functions such as loot drops, random encounters, or any feature that requires an element of chance, ensuring that the outcomes are fair and unpredictable.

Implementing a VRF through Entangle gives developers and players confidence in the integrity of random-generated events. It ensures that all players have an equal chance in situations where randomness plays a role, fostering trust and fairness in the game's ecosystem.

Use cases:

— Fair Play Lotteries

Problems without Entangle:

  • Questionable Integrity: Traditional lotteries can suffer from transparency issues, leading to doubts about the fairness of the draw.
  • Manipulation Risks: Without a tamper-proof system, there's a risk of manipulation which can undermine the trust in the lottery's outcome.

Outcomes with Entangle:

  • Transparent Draws: The use of VRF in lotteries guarantees that the selection process is transparent and verifiable, fostering trust.
  • Security from Tampering: A verifiable random function eliminates the risk of manipulation, ensuring that every participant has a fair chance.

— Randomized Game Mechanics

Problems without Entangle:

  • Exploitable Systems: Predictable randomization algorithms can be exploited, leading to unfair advantages and compromising game balance.
  • Uniformity of Experience: Without true randomness, players may encounter similar patterns, reducing the variety and excitement of the game.

Outcomes with Entangle:

  • Equitable Randomness: VRF ensures true randomness in game events, leveling the playing field for all players.
  • Enhanced Game Variety: The unpredictability of events introduced by VRF adds excitement and variety, improving the overall gaming experience.

— Procedural Generation

Problems without Entangle:

  • Predictable Patterns: Procedurally generated environments can suffer from predictable and repetitive patterns, diminishing the sense of exploration and discovery.
  • Lack of Uniqueness: Without sophisticated randomization, generated game worlds can lack uniqueness, affecting replayability and player engagement.

Outcomes with Entangle:

  • Diverse Environments: VRF introduces complex randomness into world generation, creating diverse and surprising game environments.
  • Unique Player Experiences: Every playthrough becomes unique, greatly enhancing replay value and keeping players engaged with fresh experiences.


Entangle stands as a beacon of innovation in the GameFi sector, directly addressing fundamental issues of interoperability, asset liquidity, and automated operations. By integrating Entangle's solutions, GameFi developers will create a more interconnected, efficient, and user-centric gaming world, with tangible benefits for both players and developers alike. The future of GameFi, powered by Entangle, is poised for unprecedented growth and diversification. Follow Entangle on Twitter for more alpha.

If you’re willing to level up your GameFi project, reach out to Entangle team via discord. 

Entangle is the first customisable & interoperabie data infrastructure built for institutions and Web3. Entangle helps to resolve communication, liquidity and scalability challenges with Liquid Vaults DApp, Photon messaging protocol, Web2 Connectivity and Custom Price Feeds.

Follow us: @EntangleFi

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